Ginger Cookies
2017 Update: This is probably one of the most popular recipes I’ve ever posted; they’re easy to make, and people love them. I’m not generally home in Peterborough in the months before Christmas any more, because I work on the Toronto Christmas Market, so I don’t get a chance to bake them with the fam, but we all love these Ginger Cookies. I know I say that each of my recipes is fabulous, but this one is really the jewel in my baking collection. Based on (or perhaps ripped off of) the famous ginger cookies at The Planet Bakery here in my hometown of Peterborough, this cookie is moist and…
2017 Update: I associate Snickerdoodles with Christmas, not because my family necessarily loves them but because I do, and anything sugary and cinnamony is bound to seem Christmassy to me. I’ve rarely seen this recipe posted anywhere, which surprises me because these cookies are delicious. I got the recipe when I worked at Lang Pioneer Village as a costumed interpreter, baking on the old wood-fired cast iron stoves in the Keene Hotel or the Milburn House, learning to gauge temperature based on how quickly your arm-hair felt singed when you stuck your arm in the oven. Unfortunately, an electric or gas oven can’t replicate the particularly delicious flavour that a…